Claim Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience Reason People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agr

In the today's intricate world people must have some valuable assets in order to be able to build a proper place in the society and establish their themselves in that position. There are different opinions on whether people with high ability of imagination are more likely to have a promising future or people with noticeable amount of experience. Some people hold the idea that imagination and creativity are more important features than experience since those who do not acquire adequate experience are free to imagine what is possible without the restriction of habits and attitudes. However, others, with whom I comply, believe that experience is the most important asset that a person can have. In what follows, I will delineate my viewpoint on the ground of two persuasive reasons.

Without a doubt, the most consequential point corroborating my stance on this subject is that people having a lot of experience are less likely to make mistakes. They use what they have learned from their precious experience in order to make wiser decision. On the other hand, people with high level of imagination are prone to make a lot of mistakes. Their ability to imagine unreal or real things or method are laudable, however, thinking about a method is one thing, and implementing that method in the real world is completely another thing. If people want to warranty their prosperity in the future, they are better to concentrate on gaining experience rather than improving their capability to imagine things, of course, if they cannot work on both these things. An ideal person is the one who have a lot of experience and also have the high level of imagination, but ideal person belongs to ideal world, and they world we live in is not ideal. Therefore, it is logical that the less a person make mistakes, the more he would be successful in his life or career, and experienced individuals are less likely to make mistakes or to make adverse decision than those with conspicuous imagination power.

Although the previous reason is the first one crossing the mind at first glance, another remarkable point deserving some words here is the situation that people face during their life time that their experience can come to help them is more frequent than the situations in which their imagination assist them to overcome. Take a driving, which is a workaday situation as an example. The experience driver knows that exceeding the speed limit in the highways would result in jeopardize their own life as well as other people's. In contrast, a driver with high level of imagination is more likely to exceed the speed limit, drive between other cars, and do things that are not suitable to driving in the highways. Consequently, he may put himself and other people's life in a great danger. This example applies in work environment as well. When a company faces an issue experience are more likely to come to help than imagination. Usually, the managers first ask the most experience members to find the solution for that problem, and if they fail, they test imaginative methods. There numerous more examples that experience, not imagination, comes to help people two of which mentioned above.

To make the long story short, and reflecting upon all the aforementioned grounds, one soon realizes that having experience is, somehow, not even comparable with having significant level of imagination. Experience is far more crucial than imagination in every situation and for every person.

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