A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college

Nowadays, education in child's life is as important as food, shelter and other important necessities of life. With the help of education, student will able to progress not only in the professional but also in personal life. It teaches an overall sense of moral values and principles to live a good life. The author asserts all the students in the schools should have and study the same curriculum in a country before they join college. The curriculum in the statement means the set of subjects the student studies in each grade. I strongly agree with this as having the same curriculum gives a student explore different areas of knowledge and diverse fields as curriculum before college has subjects related to different fields.

Firstly, the student will be able to know the basics of each field such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry as well as different subjects related to Arts. The student will be able to know how different experiments works or current developments in our society in various. Now, if there is no same curriculum and only the subjects what the student chooses, then he student will have knowledge related to only the particular subject choosen.

Secondly, the student will be able to improve his analytical skills by studying different courses. For example, if a child aspires to be an entrepreneur then only learning business skills will not help. With the help of different analytics as well as statistics related to the problem we are working on is necessary. In order to be good at calculations and advanced mathematics, courses related to mathematics serve as basis at school. In each
grade of school, the difficulty level of mathematics increases and the child will be able to improve his mathematical skills which will help in the future.

Finally, if the student learns common subjects the student will be able to find out what actually the student is interested in. For example out of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, the student found out in school that the student is interested in Physics, then it will be easy for him to decide what courses he will be going to take during college because he already got to to know that he is interested in Physics.

In conclusion, its better if curriculum of all students are the same as they can gain basic knowledge of all the fields. The basic subjects will improve the student's analytical skills and help in gaining the diverse knowledge related to different fields. Additionally, it would be better if schools introduce some additional electives or courses where student can choose the one which interests them and improve their passions along with acheiving good grades academically.

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