It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents for instance for sport or music and others are not However It is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician Discuss both these views and

Nature or nurture? These are challenging terms in human mind. In my opinion our talent exactly refers to our genes (nature) and this is us that choose to breed them or suspend them. Furthermore, we can not never ignore the influences of training (nurture) in flourishing our intelligence.

Being a prosper musician or sportsman such as many skills have straight relation with our nature. Furthermore, there are many people who effort days and nights for reaching the apex of their dreams in field of music and sports. However, they can not reach their aims because of their internal abilities. It is obvious that by hard works and training our minds we are able to be among best musicians or sportsman and sportswoman, but if we don’t have talent, being the first and the best among others can be approximately impossible. Unfortunately, we are seeing parents that without having enough information and knowledge about their children’s talent, insist on making their child a hero in field of music or sports that in majority of times poses inverse consequences. Although, having talent does not mean that without any efforts and trainings, we are able to be the bests.

Beside nature, we should never forget nurture. Because there are many talented persons that have never efforts in order to devise their talents and train them for fulfilling special things or even learn what their inner interactions want. Therefore, if we have talent, they should be trained and should be strengthened. Music, sports or many other skills need both nature and nurture of specific man to have hero in themselves. Besides, we should not forget that sometimes continuous and hard training without having strong talent defeat the full talented rivals with no enough efforts.

All in all, if we are fond of something, music or sports, we should try to don’t forget efforts and hard works in order to would not blame ourselves by looking to our past. Therefore, if you like it try hard without considering your nature.

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