The map below is of the town of Garlsdon A new supermarket S is planned for the town The map shows two possible sites for the supermarket Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The map depict the new location to constructing the new location. It's clear from the graph there are tow options for the new store, First site outside the town, Second site right in town center.
According to what is shown, The ( S1) lying 12 km to north-west of town in countryside between railway and mine rode . so it accessible for one town (Hindon ) with 10,000 population .
Another side , The S2 situated southern of Garlsdon , Nearly of housing area in central town , Surrounded by industry area , Tow town can get it easily, Brasdon by railway and Cransdon by train or mine rode .
TO sum up , we could say that , The second location will cover more then 30,000 population , opposite The S1 .

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