In the past shopping was a routine domestic task Many people nowadays regard it as a hobby To what extend do you think this is a positive trend

Nowadays people think of shopping as their interests, while in olden days it is simply a routine family activity. I believe that to a large extent, this is a positive trend and could bring benefits to citizens and even a country, despite some negative effects it might cause at a comparingly low rate.
The downsides that would be caused by the trend of shopping as a hobby could be talked primely. In the first place, the trend could lead to irrational consumption, especially happens to teenagers. The reason is that there are fewer regulations towards their different types of shopping behaviors, no matter buying online or in physical stores. Since shopping used to be a family activity, there must be a detailed plan including the necessities for the whole family. Most of the time parents would not give young people cash to purchase unconsidered items such as redundant bags or shoes. Secondly, the competitive phenomenon could appear since as their interests, teenagers could purchase things they want, when they notice others acquire the same things but better than theirs, they would be jealous and want more.
However, there would definitely more advantages both for individuals and even the country. To start with, this trend brings people another helpful way to relax and they could get physical rewards after this period of relaxation. In the fast pace of society, everyone is very busy and tired. In this case, “investing” money on the stuff that people like could be highly enjoyable. Also, having the freedom of regarding shopping as an interest could improve a family’s happiness. For example, children could purchase their parents gifts, vise versa. Finally, this trend could, to some degree, presents a country’s comprehensive strength, for example, citizens’ financial strength and national productivity. Because people afford to pay for the things they like and also the country has the ability to manufacture them.
In conclusion, despite some uncommon negative effect this trend brings to people, there are much more advantages people could enjoy. Therefore, I believe that this is a positive trend.

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