Some people believe that personal happiness is directly related to economic success Others believe that there are other factors Discuss both views and give your opinion

Whether a person’s happiness is associated with the high economy or other things? It is believed by a certain section of society that economically strong is the primitive reason of happiness; however, I stand with others who opine that other ways matter for a happy life.

People who tend to believe that financial rich is one of the great way to be happy in life. Owing to the fact that if people are financially strong, they are able to buy anything, and easily settle down as they want to live. Therefore, the desires and demands are easily completed which gives them pleasure. Not only this gives them luxury lifestyle, but also they get status in the society. To cite an example, a survey, conducted by National Commercial Organization in India, in 2013, revealed that out of 100, 70% people were working monotonous work to earn more money especially to get fixed salary every month instead of doing an interesting job as per their choice.

Nevertheless, own satisfaction is one of the major factors to be live in pleasure and stress-free life. This is because, individuals do their tasks which they are fascinated and wants to be excel in that work, they boost up their confidence and give more attention towards their goals; resultantly, they are always in positive energy which motivates them to be more energetic in their work and they will earn name and fame that is pleasure to their soul.

Moreover, a strong relationship is also a reason of joy. Since the family bond is considered as the most vital part of a life, people in good relations always find out the ways to be joyful, and to enjoy their time with their loved ones. Hence, the personal and professional life is balanced even parents support their wards in their hard time to be patience and to move forward. It is not less than a good luck for them. For instance, had my maternal aunt, never gave advice to open a new café to my cousin after his job was lost, he could not have made his career.

In conclusion, although people differ in their perspectives, I am convinced that there are other ways which makes anybody more cheerful and happier as it is their interest and a strong relation with others.

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