Tourism rarely benefits the cuountries which tourists visit

As tourism becomes a crucial part of the world economy, whether it is beneficial to the visited countries or not remains a question. This essay will further discuss the previous issue and offer my viewpoint.

First off, it is undeniable that tourism can result in severe environmental issues. Nowadays, most holiday-makers travel by aeroplanes, which are well-known for their harmful effects on the environment regarding the amount of emitted carbon dioxide. However, this issue can be solved by raising people's awareness, encourage them to use more environmentally friendly transportation such as trains and possibly impose a new law that punishes those who take the environment into account.

Secondly, international tourism can cause chaos during contagious malaises periods. Take the recent Covid-19 outbreak, for example, travellers from Wuhan (China) spread the disease to numerous people in various regions through travelling, causing a global health catastrophe. Many cities are having crises as their incomes rely solely on tourism- many famous cities in Vietnam have reported a drop of at least 40% of booked hotel rooms.

Regardless of the possible drawbacks, tourism can bring about a plethora of positive changes, namely open-mindedness and a sense of globalization. There were prejudice and assumptions due to little real-life knowledge back when people can only hear about people of alien cultures, which is true even in this era where there is ubiquitous information available online. As the barrier of races and regions collapses, humans can believe more faithfully in the ideology of globalization.

All in all, whether international travellers benefit their destined countries or not relies heavily on the tourists' behaviour as well as the world's situation.

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