The bar chart shows the number of cars per 1000 people in 5 countries in Europe in 2005 2009 and 2015 compared with the European average Summarise the information and make comparisons where relevant

The graph illustrate the amount of cars per 1000 person in 5 nations in Europe in 2005, 2009 and 2015 collated with the European average.
It is clear from that overall the volume of cars per thousand in Germany and European average were remained the highest during over decade. Whilist the trend of countries were upward and downward, except in France remain stable in 2005,2009 and 2015.
The amount of cars per 1000 people in Greece was equal in 2005 and 2015, both of them 300. The figure of 2009 in Greece was sudden increase to touch to 400, but Greece was the lowest about average number of cars per 1000 people which still under 600. By contrast, the UK follows the downward trend, from 700 to approximately 600. The quantity of cars per 1000 person in Germany and European average were the highest groups during the periods, in 2015 the values approximately at 1000, 800, respectively. Where as in France always remained the same at 700, specially

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