The bar charts and line graph below show the results of a survey conducted over a three year period to discover what people who live in London think of the city Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons wh

The given diagram highlights the layout of plants by which sugar is produced from the sugar canes.
Overall, process contain 7 steps starting with crop of sugar cane grown in the farm and ending with the sugar which is ready for the packaging and selling. Moreover it is clear that the process is linear and semi-automatic, involves machinary as well as human power.
In the first two steps 12 to 18 months old sugar cane crop is harvasted either by harvester or through labour. Following them, in third step juice is created by crushing sugar cane in perticular machine. Then after, Limestone filter is used in the filteration of juice.
In the next step(5th), this filtered juice converted to syrup by heating through fire in the evaporator. Centrifuge is used to create sugar crystals from syrup in following step. Finally, manufactured sugar is collected for drying and cooling.

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