The chart and table below give information about population figures in Japan Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The Bar chart demonstrates Japan's population in millions at different time aspects, past, present and future in years. While the table represents the percentage of elderly ( 65 years of age and above) in certain years; 1950, 2005, 2035, and 2055.

Overall observation in the chart is that population growth was increasing from 1950 till 2005, and expected to lower by 2015 to reach the same population number which was on 1950 by 2055. Furthermore, the percentage of elderly in the population is increasing as years move forward.

The least number of populations is observed in the first and last bars on the graph, 1950 and 2055 with 84.1M & 98.9M respectively. Although a similar population number was shown in those 2 years, a remarkable difference is predicted to occur in the percentage of elderly. 4.9% of the elderly encounter the population in 1950. While 41% of the population are expected to be elderly by 2055.

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