The chart below gives information about Southland s main exports in 2000 2021 and future projections for 2025

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The chart below gives information about Southland's main exports in 2000, 2021 and future projections for 2025.

The bar chart demonstrates basic exports of Southland during 2000 and 2021 and projection for 2025. Overal It can be seen that in different type of projections saw export earnings during the period past, present and future. It is clear from the chart that the leadest exports in 2000 was in meat products ;at present, it is dairy products and international tourism will be 2025. International tourism's exports were saw to earn 8 billions in 2000. And now, 2021, it has increased 9 billion. In 2025, it will be growing around 10 billions. Dairy products exports were achieved 7 billion pounds in the past, 2000, and that exports have seen to earn 10 billion in 2021. Afterwards, by 2025 dairy products exports will be predicting to earn money approximately 9,5 billion pounds. Export of meat products have had 6 billion pound in 2000. And now that exports are decline slightly the amount of 5.5.In 2025, meat exports will be guess the amount of 5.

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