The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010

The given bar chart gives information about how much money was spent on different consumer items between France and UK in 2010.
Overall, the majority of expenditure in both countries is car. Whereas in France, computers and perfume were spent more than in the UK, the opposite was true for the others.
Car was the most spending on the UK, at 450,000 pounds sterling, compared to 400,000 pounds in France. The spending on books was above 400,000 pounds in comparison with 300,000 pounds in the other country. Likewise, the amount of money spent on cameras in Britain was 350,000 pounds sterling, more than double in France.
By contrast, in France, computers and perfumes were spent more than in the UK. French spent approximately 370,000 pounds on computers, 20,000 pounds higher than the UK. Similarly, perfume was the lowest spending on both countries, with 200,000 pounds and below 150,000 in France and Britain respectively.

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