The chart below shows the number of girls per 100 boys enrolled in different levels of school education Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The bar chart gives information about the number of girls per 100 boys enrolled in different levels of school education in the 1990s and 1998s. Overall, we can see the different between the enrollment rates of boys and girls over different years. Start with Primary education: In the developing countries, we can see the enrollment rates of boys and girls not different much in 1990 and 1998. However, in the secondary education, enrollment rates of girls is shorter than primary education. In the tertiary education, the enrollment rates of girls is higher enrollment rates of boys in 1990 and 1998. In the developed countries, from the beginning the enrollment rate of girls has been very high starting from primary education to tertiary education. Even in tertiary education the enrollment rate for girls has already surpassed the rate for boys.

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