The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011

The bar chart demonstrates the ratio of households in two types of accommodation, namely owned and rented, from 1918 to 2011 in nearly 10-year increments in the UK, except Scotland. Overall, the tendency to rent a housing dropped twice since the beginning of the period, giving way to owned houses.

Before 1971, the percentage of households in rented accommodation exceeded the percentage of owned one. Yet, the figure gradually decreased from approximately 77% to exact 50% in 1971, whilst the proportion of houses in the property were at 23%, in 1918, and finally equalized to the rented one after 60 years of growth.

After 1971 and until 2001, there was a smooth increase in the ratio of owned accommodation to its high at almost 70%, which is ahead of renting by 40%. However, a slight decline of 5% occurred in 2011, therefore the figure has never reached the maximum of 77%.


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