the chart below shows the result of a survey conducted by the university library to gather the opinions of full time and part time students about its services

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the chart below shows the result of a survey conducted by the university library to gather the opinions of full time and part time students about its services.

The two pie charts illustrate the feedback from the full-time and part-time students regarding the IT support and the opening hours of the University library. Units are measured in percentage.

Overall, more than half of the full-time students are happy with both University services. Whereas, the opening hours are more suitable for part-time students.

in terms of IT support services, full-time students account for about 55% in contrast to 20% part-time students who responds they are very happy. However,45% of part-time students are not at all happy when compared to full-time students with 13%. Moreover quiet happy students are 32% and 35% respectively.

Regarding current opening hours, both groups are happy with 67% and 72% respectively. Similarly, full-time students are quiet happy in hours were 32% which is 23% in part time students.
not at all happy students comprised of mere 1% of full-time students and 5% of students who came for part-time.

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