The chart shows the percentage of car manufacturer s total car sales in different regions from 2006 to 2010

The bar chart shows the turnover car sales different continent of car manufacture's between 2006 and 2010.
overall, Europe and Asian car manufacture's sold more car than the other two continents. In addition, Europe was the only regions where the percentage of total cars sales increase, almost doubling in 2010.
In 2006 just a quarter of car sales were sold by Europe car make but in by 2010 the figure risen to a peak of 50%, the highest of all. By the contrast the turnover car sales of Asia Manufacture's started at 35%, rising slightly to high of 38% before decrease to 30 % at the end the period.
In the North America the figures shows the car sales dropped from 29% to 9% over three years. In the same period, the amount car sales in South America's go down 5% in two years from 2006 to 2008. However in the next year car sales went up 11% like 2006.

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