The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The process below illustrates how sugar is manufactured from sugar cane. Overall, there are 7 stages commencing from the growth of sugar cane and ending with reception of the final product, which is sugar.

At first, the sugar canes are grown in the fields until they are 12 to 18 months old, followed by harvesting. The harvesting process can be done in two ways – mechanically, where a tractor cuts and transfers the canes in the carrier or manually in which the farmer cuts them using a sickle. Next, the sugar canes are passed through a machine which crushes and extracts the juice.

Subsequently, the juice is purified by filtering through limestone. The purified liquid is then heated in an evaporator until the juice turns into syrup and then it is sent for centrifugation. The centrifuge consists of a spinner that separates the sugar crystals from the syrup, while the syrup is still hot. Ultimately, the sugar crystals are dried and cooled to attain sugar.

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