The diagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from sugar cane Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The graphic demonstrates the process of factories to make sugar from sugar canes. There are seven stages in the sugar process, beginning with sugar canes being grown and ending with drying and cooling to collect sugar.

Firstly, sugar canes are farmed for 12 to 18 months in order to meet the standard. Then, when the quantity is demanded, they are harvested in two ways, either by hands or by specialized transports. The next stage is crushing the collected sugar canes by another vehicle and we get the juice from the output. Purifying juice is gone through a limestone filter and then it is put under extreme heat to evaporate and turn to syrup. After syrup is formed, it is centrifuged to separate sugar crystals from syrup. The final step is drying and cooling to get the finished product. When sugar is ready-to-use, it is packed and delivered for sale.

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