The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk and dairy products for commercial sale Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The diagram depicts that information about production,procesing of milk nad produce diary products for commerical uses.
A glance at apparently delineates that it involve seven steps, first step is get the milk from cow and last step is milk store in bottles and export to shops for selling.
Commencing with initial step is take milk from cow with the help of milking machine and next step is half amount of milk transfer into refrigerator storage and 50% of milk export to dairy by any source of transport.
After this steps, In diary take place two types of processes, first is production of diary products like chess ,cream and butter by the different kinds of machines and next step is milk pack into bottles amd container and last step is packed milk send to supermarkets and shops for selling.

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