The diagram below shows the stages in the recycling of aluminium drinks cans Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The illustration demonstrates the method of recycling aluminum cans. According to the diagram, 74% of all aluminum cans in the United Kingdom go through the recycling process.
Overall, the diagram illustrates eight steps of aluminum cans recycling cycle, beginning with people dumping these tins, and ending with companies reuse these cans after the recycling procedure.
At first, aluminum cans will be thrown away into the curbside bin. Then, based on the location, they will be daily or weekly collected through the recycling pickup services and delivered to the materials recovery facilities. Subsequently, aluminum cans will be put into four procedures — cleaning, sorting, shredding, and compressing. After that, those compressed cans will be brought into furnaces to heat up and melt completely.
While they cool off, aluminum will be cut into pieces and put into rolls that are 2.5 to 6 mm. These will later be delivered to other facilities to recycle into various shapes. Finally, manufactures will reuse these recycled cans, fill them with tasty beverages, and put them into the market.

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