The following pie chart shows the comparison of different kinds of energy production in France in two different years

The pie charts illustrate the comparison of energy production from gas, coal, petrol, nuclear and other sources in France in 1995 and 2005.

Overall, the proportion of energy produced by petrol declined gradually, whereas the rest sources of energy production increased slightly. Gas and petrol accounted for the biggest percentage of the total energy produced in France

In 1995, Coal’s production accounted for the highest proportion, at 29.80% of the total energy production in France. The rates of Gas and Petrol produced were slightly lower, at 29.63% and 29.27% respectively. Meanwhile, only 6.40% of the total production belonged to Nuclear energy.

In 2005, the percentage of Coal produced insignificantly went up and remained the highest figure in the chart, at 30.93%. The figure for Gas rose slowly to 30.31%, while Petrol’s production experienced a dramatic fall of nearly 10% to only 19.55%. There were sharp increases in the figures for Nuclear and Other types of energy to 10.10% and 9.10% .

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