The graph shows data about the annual earnings of three bakeries in London 2000 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The line graph illustrates yearly income of different bakeries A, B and C in London between 2000 and 2010.
Overall, while A and C was experienced upward trends, B tent to decline that amount although B had the highest earnings at first.
In 2000, the wages of B was 80000 while A and C - with just about 55000 and 20000 respectively. Over the following four years, B and A fluctuated and peaked at approximately 98000 and 25000 respectively, while C remained stable with 55000. From 2004 to 2007, A and C had a slightly rose with around 8000 higher. By contrast, B had the biggest change fell significantly from 95000 to 60000. In the next three years, C climbed dramatically which became the highest income with over 100000, nearly doubled that earnings at first. Moreover, A continued to increase and reached a peak at 65000 while B kept on dropping and remained stable in 2010.

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