The line graph illustrates the proportion of total expenditure in a certain European country between 1960 and 2000

The line graph provide the information about the rate of money expended on food, leisure, chothing, transport, and fuel of an European nation between 1960 and 2000.
As it clearly shown by the graph that the transport comsumption rate show a significant rise, while the other categories experienced a contrasting movement in the given period.
There was a sharply decline in the percantage of leisure comsuming in every 10-years, from 20% to around 10% at 2000. Similarly, that for clothing experienced a parallel from 1960 and fell to 5% in the year 2000. In addition, European country seems less spent on food, which led to its percentage of expenses decreased rapidly by 20% in the end of 2000s.
In mean time, the rate of fuel expenses had almost no difference, approximately 5% in 40 years. As for the figure of transport in 1960 and 2000 was nearly 10% and 15%, respectively.

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