The line graph shows estimated sales of gold in Dubai for 12 months in 2002 in millions of Dirhams

The line chart illustrates the predicted sales of gold in Dubai over a period of twelve months in 2002 in millions of Dirhams.

It is clear that Dubai gold sales will have several fluctuations over twelve months in 2002, reaching to top in spring and experiencing a dropping in autumn, and remaining at a stable level in winter.

In the initial month, The gold sales in Dubai stood at the medium over the year with a figure of 200, after which it experienced a moderately increasing to about 20 before peaking at 350 in Mar. Subsequently, gold sales seeing continuously decreased at a rate of approximately 50 million dirhams one month until Jul. Which following by a small fluctuation in the next two months. Gold sales reminding at a stable level in the winter, which was approximately 190 millions of dirhams,

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