The given maps depict the modifications made to the infrastructure of an unspecified nature Museum in two separate years, 2010 and 2013.
Overall, the whole museum underwent an extensive renovation with the most striking feature being the obliteration of a garden and the addition of various temporary facilities.
As can be clearly seen from the map, to the North- west side, the Ice age housed an insects display which was constructed, taking up the space where there had been a mammal exhibition after three years. Meanwhile, the garden was destroyed to make room for a newly-established shop, café, human ongins and a mammal display on the right side of the building.
Otherwise, all facilities, initially sited at the heart and left- hand corner of the area including Ocean hall, the lobby, entrance, ticket desk and dinosaur exhibition remained relatively unchanged throughout a period of 3 years from 2010 to 2013.
- The maps below show the layouts of nature Museum between 2010 and 2013
- The maps below show the layouts of nature Museum between 2010 and 2013 60
- The maps below show the changes in a town in Europe after the construction of a hydroelectric power dam Describe the noticeable changes in the maps 78
- The maps below show the changes in a town in Europe after the construction of a hydroelectric power dam Describe the noticeable changes in the maps 61