The pie charts compare ways of accessing the news in Canada and Australia Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pie charts illustrate the percentile of several different methods by which news can be accessed in two nations, namely Canada and Australia.

Overall, Tv is the major source of watching news in Canada. However, the least preferred way of obtaining news is radio in Australia as compared to other categories.

In detail, in Canada, maximum proportion of news,40%, are available on Tv followed by online resources with just 4% of difference as compared to that of tv. Printed form of news are accounted for 14% which is double than the radio, while the 3% of sources are not specified in Canada.

On further analysis, little more than a half of news are accessed through internet in Australia which is 52%, whereas 37% of it is available on tv. Print media and radio are used by 7% and 2% individuals respectively and almost negligible percentile of sources of accessing news are not specified in Australia.

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