The pie charts compare ways of accessing the news in Canada and Australia Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The two pie charts tell us the proportion of getting news from different sources of two distinct nations: Canada and Australia.
Looking more closely at the charts, it is evident from the data that TV and Online sources were the most used sources for getting the news. In contrast, Radio and other sources were the less used sources.
On the one hand, TV was the most used source in Canada, and It was 40%. In comparison, other sources were less used, and It was 3%. Online was the second most used source(36%).
On the other hand, Online was the most used source for getting news in Australia and, It was a little more than a half (52%). While Radio and Other sources were less used and They were 2%. TV was the second most used source, and It was at 37%.

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