The process below shows how to make dough for a pizza Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant You should write at least 150 words

The given process illustrates the production of dough of pizza. There are 7 stages in making dough, starting from mixing the dough and ending at cutting it in equal pieces. First of all, we need ingredients which are flour, water, salt and active yeast. After that, put them in a stand mixer. Mix the mixture for 2 minutes on slow first, next medium for 5 minutes and then we turn back to slow for the last 2 minutes. In the fifth step, people let the dough rise at least 2 hours untill it twice as big as the former. In the next step, the dough is worked in order to remove all air bubbles. Finally, the product is divided into 3 equal pieces or you can take it into 275 grams each.

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