The table below shows the numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished The charts show the result of surveys asking visitors how satisfied they were with their visit during the same two periods

The table illustrates how many visitors there were in Ashdown Museum and their satisfaction level before and after it was redecorated. Overall, Ashdown Museum has become more attractive and so it had a chance to welcome more 18,000 visitors.

Before the refurbishment, just under 50% of visitors had positive reviews about the museum. "Dissatisfied" responses accounted for the largest proportion, which were 40%. By a quarter of that, 10% felt very dissatisfied of Ashdown Museum. Then the rest had no response to the survey.

After achieving a new look, Ashdown Museum were well-received with a steadly grow in the numbers of visitors and their feedback. 75% felt very satisfied and satisfied, nearly double the year before refurbishment. The amount of under satisfactory reviews decrease 20%. And there were always 5% who did not give any feedback.

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