The table below shows the numbers of visitors to AshdownMuseum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished The charts show the result of surveys asking visitors how satisfied they were with their visit during the same two periods Summaris

The tables and charts illustrate the changes of the tourists who visited the Ashdown Museum and the proportion of the resulting survey before and after the museum was refurbished.
It is clear that after the refurbishment year, the number of visitors to the Ashdown Museum increased significantly to 92000, while, the numbers stood at 74.000 in the year before refurbishment.
For the survey asking visitors, it can be seen that there are 4 ratings changed positively. The rating “ very satisfied” and “ satisfied” rose dramatically from 15% and 30% to 35% and 40% respectively over the two periods. By contrast, the negative ratings which are “ dissatisfied” and “ very dissatisfied” witnessed a significant decrease after the refurbishment. The percentage of the two ratings fell from 40% and 10% to 15% and 5% respectively. The proportion of “ no response” remained unchanged at 5% during the two periods.

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