The two pie charts below show the online shoping sales for retail sectors in New Zealand in 2003 and 2013

The two pie charts demonstrate the online sales in four sectors such as travel, film/music, books and clothes in New Zealand in 2003 and 2013 .
Overall, it is clear from the two charts that the higgest percentage was in travel and stood in the first place , and film/music percentage was the lowest one ,stood in the last place.
The most online shoping sales were in travel in 2003 with 23 percentage, then this kind of online sales dropped slightly to 28 percentage.Film/music came next with exactly 33 percent in 2013 ,but in 2003 this type of online sales was lowest with 21 percent.Third place of online shopping sales was books' with 19% in 2003, in 2013 this kind of sales rose marginally to 22%. At the bottom of the list , there was shoping of clothes. Online clothes shopping was at the least popular in 2013 with 16 percent , but in 2003 it was in second place with 24 %. It is evident from the two pie charts that the online travel sales was popular than the other online shopping retail sectors.In 2003, the clothing industry boasted an impressive 24% of
total online sales in New Zealand.Interestingly, online sales of
books eventually overtook sales of clothes, although books still
represented only 22% of the market.

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