The two pie charts below show the percentages of industry sectors contribution to the economy of Turkey in 2000 and 2016 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

he given pie chart manifest the ratio of various division contributed to the wealth of turkey in 200 and 2016. The data has been calibrated in percentage.

To begin with 2000, It can be clearly seen that farming section tops the list with 24%.While, leisure and tourism along with medical and teaching stood at 17%. However, trade essentials and transport contributed 14%. Nevertheless, It can be observed that division such as building construction, manufacturing units and commerce have less involvement. Moving towards 2016, There had been a drastic increase in a percentage of farming sector, it comprised to 24%. Although, There is a rise in division of production. They moves to 4%. Nevertheless, A rocket increase was noticed in sector of building construction to 7%.

To cap it all, it can be vividly seen that farming section plays huge role in turkey wealth along with medical sector and schooling throughout the comparison.


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