The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full time work did after leaving college in 2008 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given bar charts illustrate what did UK graduates and postgraduate students after leaving college in 2008, who did not go into full-time work. Overall, there are more graduate students than postgraduates. Most of the graduates and postgraduates went to the further education, while the second-largest category was part-time work. In addition, the small number of students tended to do voluntary work.

It can be seen from the first chart that the number of graduate students, who chose part-time work levelled off at 17,735, while only 3500 graduates chose voluntary work. The peak was reached by graduate students, who chose further education, they amounted 29,665, whereas unemployment numbered to 16,235 graduates.

According to the chart of postgraduates, 2,535 of them chose part-time work, while 1,625 postgraduate students left unemployed. The highest point in the chart was attained by postgraduates, who decided to study further (2725). And only 345 postgraduates worked voluntarily.

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