The graph below shows changes in the share of vehicle registrations of the three most common types of commercial vehicles in the US between 1970 and 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where rel

The line graph above show the proportion of vehicle registration of the three vehicles: Truck, Taxi and Bus in stage 1970-2010.
The proportion of the three vehicles are under 50 percent. It can be seen from the graph that Truck almost reach highest registration share. And the Bus get the lowest proportion all times.
Both proportion of taxi and bus registration grew rapidly between 1970-1980. Taxi reached peak about 35 percent and 15 percent with the bus. However, the truck registration fell down nearly 20 percent in the same time. 1980 is the time that truck has its lowest point just 30 percent.
Between 1980 – 2010, the registration of taxi and bus all decreased. Nearly 20 percent with taxi and 10 percent for the bus between 1980 - 2000. In 2000, the taxi registration get its lowest point, about 15 percent in share of three vehicles registration. Meanwhile, the truck registration grew annually in period 1980 - 2010. The rapid growth appeared in the taxi registration during the 2000-2010 period. We can see that there was an increase demand in both taxi and truck, while bus is gradually no more needs.

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