Adapted from former US President Jimmy Carter Foreword to Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Seasons of Life and Land A Photographic Journey by Subhankar Banerjee The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge stands alone as America s last truly great wilderness This

Apart from tourism and sites of attraction, arctic national wildlife refuges is home to many and different species of animals. The author uses detailed depiction of the artic wildlife to show his audience the beauty and preciousness and the need for protecting it .The author uses pathos to indicate the implication of turning arctic national wildlife habitat into a land consumed by industrial facilities. Carter further states the reason why lines [6-8] (it would disturb animals living in the arctic).
Carter also uses statistics and history to support his argument about wildlife being preserved by introducing the fact that several presidents had also supported it (In 1960, President Dwight D. Eisenhower established the original 8.9 million-acre Arctic National Wild life range to protect its unique wildlife…).
He also shows his audience that he has been richly in part of this work by stating that he even signed the Alaska National interest Land conservation monumental legislation. His partaking in this has doubled the area of artic wildlife than its former.
He also states that the plan was put forward but was outweighed and defeated by the opposition to show that the American citizens were also in support of the preservation of artic wildlife, he uses this form of action to persuade his audience to partake and stand up for Artic Refuges.
His stating of looking beyond the benefits of a short term benefit and focus on what really matters coupled with the use of ‘we’ shows a solidarity between carter and his audience indirectly telling his audience to stand up for what is right.
In the last sentences of the passage carter exaggerates the fact that leaving the artic wildlife could be the greatest gift they could pass to their generation, Carter uses it to persuade his audience to support his argument.

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