the table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999

The table presents data on the percentage of six different types of poor families in Australia in 1999.
Overall, it is noticeable that the family type of sole parent accounted for the largest proportion of whom is living in poverty in the five remaining categories.
In 1999, 11% of Australians, or 1837000 citizens had to live in poverty. Poverty rates of sole parents registered the highest among those types, at 21%. A similar trend was witnessed in the one who is single and doesn't have kids, with a slightly lower percentage of 19%, or 359000 people.
By contrast, aged people were the least likely to be poor, with only 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively. The figure for couples with no children was less than 5% compared to couples who already had children.

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