Young people enjoy life more than older people do.Do you agree or disagree?

The prompt states that the young people have more fun than the older people. I disagree with the argument as I believe there are many reasons where we can find the older people enjoy life to the hilt rather the younger ones. To illustrate it, I'll corroborate it with a few examples.

The definition of enjoyment is different for every individual. For a few, enjoyment is to sit alone and listen music, a few may enjoy going to disc and partying hard, some may feel reading book as enjoyment. There are myriads of things which define it differently.

In today's world to find time for oneself is quite difficult especially when you are working and have responsibilities. In old age a person feels much more relaxed and free from the mental pressure where he has less to worry about his kids who by this time gets settled. He enjoys more of his life doing meditation, going for yoga where he meets new people and form groups. He enjoys being at home and spending time with his grand children. He enjoys visiting library and reading books. These all things gives happiness. He goes for movies and also enjoy sitting besides his children and having food.

However, the definition of enjoyment for young ones is quite different from this. For them enjoyment is more of disc and club. They've mental pressure of work at office, responsibilities of family which keep them quite encircled with all of these, They aren't able to find much time for themselves which results into frustration in life. They go out party with friends, get happy but that happiness doesn't lasts long. After some time they again feel monotonous and tedious in their life.

The percentage of depression today is found to be high in percentage in youngsters than in old people. The older ones on the other hand are seen cherishing life and guiding the youngsters to be vivacious.

So, it can be well summarised that the older people are much more lively and enjoy life whether it counts about their yoga classes, their get-together, their music love or their reading passion. The youngsters have fun in their own ways but that can't be overweighed to that of older ones.

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