The chart below shows the total number of minutes in billions of telephone calls in the UK divided into three categories from 1995 2002 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The provided bar chart depicts the total number of phone calls in minuets by three different types including: local-fixe line, national and international-fixed line and mobiles between the time scale of 1995 and 2002 in UK. Overall it is clearly evident that local-fixe line demonstrates significant changes during the period which is opposed to other categories and they followed a steady pattern.
To begin with, the greatest minutes of telephone calls is devoted to local-fixed line and this model has a wide margine among other criteria's all the time. To be specific it began the period a little above 70 minutes and started to rose gradually until it reached its peak at 90 minutes in year 1999, additionally this result is the highest of other two criteria’s. This trend did not continued and fell dramatically until it stood at the same place that started in 1995.
Nevertheless, the striking feature about the other two examples is that they both has increased since 1995. According to the chart, national and international-fixed line was the second most dominant telephone call and started from just under 40 minutes and finished the period at approximately 61 minutes, whereas it has been increasing slightly since 1995. Mobiles started under 10 minutes and have grew sharply until it stood at almost 45 minutes in 2002.
To sum up, not only local-fix line was popular compared to other models but also it remained its level and neither of the criteria's overtook it.

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