In many countries today people in cities either live alone or in small family units rather than in large extended family groups Is this a positive or negative trend

Family is an indispensable part of society. Some people believe that having a multigenerational family has both benefits and drawbacks. From my perspective, I agree with this statement for the following reasons.

Living in an extended family, in my opinion, has three major advantages. For the first reason, family members might provide more support to one another. Grandparents, for example, can care for children while their parents are at work. Secondly, each family member has a closer relationship than in a nuclear family. Family relationships are enhanced when different generations live together. Children's behavioral and emotional difficulties are reduced when grandparents are involved in their lives. Grandparents can play a vital role in the lives of children whose parents have split. Living with their children and grandchildren relieves grandparent’s loneliness and enriches their daily lives. Furthermore, households with two or more adult generations are more cost-effective. Utilities, food, maintenance costs, decorating costs, property taxes, homeowners' insurance, and homeowners' association fees are all things that can be shared. Young adults who share expenses have the potential to save money or pay off debt. Young adults can cut debt, enhance their credit, and save for a down buy by temporarily living with their families.

On the other hand, the drawbacks of a big family also need to be considered. The first one is more noise. Adults who are unaccustomed to being around children may need some adjustment time. Household rules can limit loud play by place and time. In addition, When living together, there can be more family tension. Financial disagreements, parenting differences, and household responsibilities are all common sources of friction. Before such issues become problems, rules and procedures for dealing with them should be discussed and resolved.

In conclusion, the advantages of living in a big family appear to be greater than the disadvantages. There may be more family tension but members from a tight relationship can help each other when they have tough problems.

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