Shopping has become a favorite pastime among young people Why do you think it is like that and do you think they must be encouraged to do other things rather than shopping

These days, it is becoming increasingly common for teenagers to spend their spare time shopping. The celebrities and the advancement of technology are the main reasons behind this issue. In my viewpoint, their time which dedicated to shopping should spend on other beneficial things.
To begin with, it is clear that the two major factors influence them to purchase things when they have time. First of all, the person who is famous and prestigious plays a vital role in this problem. They often wear and uses luxury and fancy items and publishes them on social media. As a result, the young people who are provoked by well-known people attempting to purchase similar items, detecting them at the shopping mall during their free time. Another reason for this issue is technical development. In other words, because of upgrade their gadgets, youngsters spending excessive time to found out about them. For instance, in Mongolia, almost 60% of the total young people spend their time seeking advanced electronics.
In my opinion, however, they should be supported to dedicate their spare time in the right way. The reason why teenagers should be encouraged is that their future, which is becoming more compatible. If they spend time on education and self-development, such as reading the book and playing the piano, their both mental and physical skills are becoming ready to face such problems in future. Furthermore, I believe that shopping cannot be a great time to release stress and relax the body. Thus, the adolescent should be encouraged to participating in activities to relax. For instance, many teenagers of Korea spend their free time hiking together and makes good memories.
To conclude, the major cause of why teenagers spent their time shopping is the influence of celebrities and innovative technologies. However, I believe that they should be spending time on education and activities in order to build their important skills.

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