There are many different types of music in the world today Why do we need music Is the traditional music of a country more important than the international music that is heared everywhere nowadays Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant exam

In today’s world, music has variety of genres. This essay will first discuss how the melody can help a person with overcoming mental health issues and then suggest that setting boundaries for certain music can be unfair for people who love music because it is an art that unite nations.
To overcome mental health one can listen to music, because it is the best therapy and mood-booster one can think of. It is very relaxing because it provides an individual a sense of calmness. For example, almost all the spas in the world turn on music before they start their session mainly because people go to spas to release any kind of tension they have in their body.
I believe that music is an art that brings together different cultures. Reserving people to like traditional music more than intercontinental can be inequitable because music has no boundary. Men and women of different races and religion can adore a particular tune. For example, in recent times, a song has gone viral which has been collaborated by Hollywood and Bollywood singers therefore, prove that music cannot be bounded.
In conclusion, music is an important part of a person’s wellbeing because it gives serenity in this world full of problems. On the other side, traditional music can not only be for people of the country. Any human being can listen to whatever they like because music joins together many hearts.

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