The bar chart below shows the percentage of Australian men and women in different age groups who did regular physical activity in 2010

The bar chart below illustrates the proportion of Australian people who do regular physical activity in different age groups in 2010, divided by gender.
It can be seen from the bar chart that, as people get older, more and more female took part in doing regular activity.
At first term of age, 47,7% women from 15 to 24 years old enjoy doing activity. This percentage of women was increased slightly to 53% when female was 55 to 64 years old.
On the other hand, from 15 to 24, the ratio of male doing sport occupied a half. But this ratio was decreased dramatically from 52,8% to 39,5% male from 35 to 44. At the end, it was rose back significantly when male got older, with 46,7% male from 65 and over
Overall, although men and women went up and went down in each term. But also when they became older, they had the same portion of doing regular activity

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