the bar chart shows the percentage of elderly citizens in three countries in 1980 2000 2030 summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The given bar chart details elderly statistics in three different countries in divers years.

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that figures significantly rose for all 3 nations with Germany the most populated country with seniors in the period of this survey.

In 1980, Germany with about 15% individuals 65 years and over, was the oldest country. In this year, UK and Canada respectively were the second and third by about 14% and near to 10 of populations.
In 2000, Canada experienced a drastic rose and elderly percentage reached to 15%. In this mentioned year, Germany by about 5% increase, reached to one fifth of population and UK by about 1% growth did not have important change.
According to anticipation for 2030, a quarter of Germanians will be over 65 years and Canadian elderlies will contain 20% of population. Finally the population of seniors in UK by about a 4% enhance will be about 19%.

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