The chart below gives information about Southland s main exports in 2000 20 and future projections for 2025 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature and make comparisons where relevant

The bar chart illustrate respecting Southland’s main exports in 2000, and forthcoming drafts’ from 2021 to 2025. International tourism, dairy products and meat products are main exports Southland’s.

In 2000, international tourism approximately £ 8 billion, dairy products nearly £ 7 billion and meat products £ 6 billion worth of products exported. Next, in 2021, cost of international tourism increased about by £ 1 billion. Dairy products are dramatic jump from £ 7 billion to £ 10 billion in 2021. But meat products are steady drop from £ 6 billion to £ 5 billion between 2000 year and 2025 year. In 2025, international tourism exports jumped £ 10 billion, dairy products fell approximately £ 9,5 billion and meat products dropped from approximately £ 5,5 billion to £ 5 billion.

Overall, in 2021 international tourism and dairy products exports are rise, but in this year meat products exports are fall. However, in 2025 only international tourism exports are increased.

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