The chart below gives information about Southland s main exports in 2000 2021and future projections for 2025 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The chart demonstrates about Southland's main exports in 2000,2021and future projections for 2025.
Overall,the bigger exports in Southland are seen changing over the period.
It is obviously from the chart were the main exports in 2000,at present,it is diary products and by 2025, it would change yo international tourism.Meat products 6 milion pounds were exported from the Southland in 2000,which is seen declined by 0.4 billion now (2021) and is set to decline further to a point of 5 billion in 2025.Approximately,10 billion pounds of dairy product are being exported from Southland?which is grew by 3 million compared to the export value of 2000.
Furthermore,the chart shows the future prediction of exports in 2025 as well where the international tourism will.peak at nearly 10 billion.Then the diary product will become the second highest with the total earning at about 9.5 billion and the minority product is meat that forecasted will decrease at only 5 billion.

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