The chart below show the percentage of whole world population in four countries from 1950 to 2000 will projection till 2050

The bar graph provides the information about the proportion of the population in entire world, namely in countries like India, China, USA and Japan between the period 1950 and 2000 and also indicate about the estimation till 2050. The data has been calibrated in percentage. Overall, In the graph, it is clear that China has the maximum population while the Japan has minimum population and the whole graph fructuates

The ratio of the national population of 1950, 2000, and 2050 was 15%, 18%, and 21%, respectively. While, the percentage of chains in 2000 was 18%, meanwhile in 1950 had 4% more. Similarly, the printed in 2050 will the lowest figure compare to other data.

Moving further, India had shown an opposing trend to china as the population of India is 15%, which was considerably lower than China, However, the population rose minutely to 19% and is expected to have the highest population in the world. Apart from all this, the population of the USA filled from 10% to 8% from 1950 to 2000 and it is predicted that the population will be steady in the year 2050.

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