The chart below shows the different levels of post school qualification in Newzealand and the proportion of men and women who held them in 2005

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The chart below shows the different levels of post-school qualification in Newzealand and the proportion of men and women who held them in 2005.

The bar graph illustrates the information on different levels of school qualification for both males and females in New Zealand in 2006. Units are measured in percentage.

Overall, males have the prominent educational qualification compared to females in Newzealand and among this skilled vocational diploma was the highest with 80% while females hold only 8% on this. Whereas, the higher qualification for females was an undergraduate diploma with 70% while males represent a mere 20%.

Regarding males, school qualifications were 70% postgraduate diploma followed by 60% masters degree in 2006. In contrast to females, the ratio was pretty much lower with 40% and 30% respectively in the given period.

With regards to the bachelor's degree, females account for about 50% which is five per cent higher than the males with 45% over the given year.

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