The chart shows the percentage of women and men in one Asian country who passed when they took their driving test between 1980 and 2010 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The diagram illustrates the driving license achieving rate of people in an Asian nation from 1980 to 2010. In general, it is witnessed that over time, the passing rates of driving tests for both genders have shared the same increasing trend. However, the rate for women is considerably higher than men’s in all recorded years.
A more detailed look reveals that for women, the percentage of driving tests passed, which was under 50% in 1980, peaked at around 70% in 2000. In the next 10 years, there is a slight decrease of 10%.
Compared to the women, fewer men have passed the driving tests while men’s passing rate experienced a modest figure, starting at below 30%. After 20 years, a significant growth to nearly 50% was shown in the number of males who passed the test. Nonetheless, the amount stopped fluctuating in the last survey periods, keeping the lower position in comparison to women’s.

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