The diagrams below show the design for a wind turbine and its location Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant

The diagrams provides the information about the process production of electric current by wind turbine in several steps which begin from wind and ends with switch yard.
overall, it is crystal clear that process of generating electricity in a wind power plant have different items. if any thing missed from diagrams, whole the production will be halted.
At the first glance, it can be clearly seen from process that electricity is generated in a wind power plant start with rotation of rotor blade, when air below on high speed it make rotation in generator which is installed on top of tower in nacelle. The current produced by generator more though power cables.
Moving further, the power cables transfer current to transformer which taken DC current from generator and convert it into AC current. That current send to switch yard. After that electricity is distribute among homes and factories.

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