The graph below shows the new homes constructed in a certain region from 1999 2002

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The graph below shows the new homes constructed in a certain region from 1999-2002.

The rendered bar graph illustrates the number and sorts of new houses which were built between 1999 and 2000 to in a particular region.
In an overview, it can be seen that the number of detached houses constructed were maximum in respect of others. After having a glimpse, it is crystal clear that the counting of detached houses in 2001 was highest (2200), whereas in initial year it was at its least value. Additionally,in 2020 and 21 detached houses were exactly 2000. Furthermore, semi- detached houses followed declining trend throughout the given period in terms of number, by the gap of 200. Moving towards the remaining data, the terraced houses where 1000 in 1991 and that number increased slightly every year, finally reached to 1300 in 2002. Moreover, the numerals of Flats were1600 and 1400 in year 1999 and 2000 respectively.Eventually, the trend of Flats decreased from 1300 to 900 between 2001 and 2002.

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